Spanning three generations, 'Share The Moon' is the family saga of one girl, one moon and three lives; one Spanish, one English and one Finnish. Blended together into a captivating life journey and infused with tenderness and humor, each post can be read as an individual stand-alone piece. To read the complete adventure start from the very first post, 'Share The Moon', and simply work your way upwards. Welcome to my journey on the first Sunday of every month!

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Goodbye Share The Moon


Dear Readers,

The time has come to say goodbye; goodbye to nine-year-old Marie Garrido, and goodbye to Share The Moon. Thank you for joining me on the poignant journey in time that was my childhood. Each and every character in this memoir has unequivocally existed and passed through my life at one stage or another; only their names have been selectively altered in order to protect identity. Share The Moon: Book One, is now complete and the posts will be gradually gathered together into suitable chapter format, expanded with added content covering areas hitherto untouched in the blog, and then prepared for publishing. In many ways, the final book will tell a very different story to the one shared on-line. Welcome to that journey when the time comes.

Marie has said goodbye but not farewell, for she blossomed into adulthood and eventually became A Girl Named Audrey. You can follow her adventures in the follow-up sequel, A Guide Named Audrey: Book Two. This will in time follow in similarly periodic blog publications.

While you are waiting for this sequel to take shape, immerse yourself in the entire saga from the very beginningHappy Readings!  Share The Moon.

'I write because there is a voice within me that will not be still': Sylvia Plath 

Next Post on 07.03.2021:  Share The Moon Photo Gallery

Note: All written content is the intellectual property of this Author. Image material is drawn largely from Pixabay with some additions from private family albums.